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Linestats is a Python script for generating summary statistics from lines of textual data, such as a system log file. It is intended to be used to extract summary data from input, which is then piped to clichart for graphical display.
Use linestats when you have more lines in the input than you need in the output data. Linestats provides various ways to summarise data that share the same 'key field'. All summary values (count, minimum, average, maximum etc.) are grouped based on the value of that key field.
When parsing system logs, the most common use for linestats is to summarise data by time. In this case the key field is part or all of the timestamp in each log message - in this scenario, linestats will output one line of statistics (whichever statistics you choose) for each unique timestamp.
Linestats can:
- Accept data from stdin or from a file
- Identify the key field based on whitespace-separated fields, a substring, or a regular expression
- Accumulate statistics for zero or more value fields
- Identify value fields based on whitespace-separated fields, a substring, or a regular expression
- Output counts for each value in the key field, e.g. for every unique timestamp
- Output minimum, average, maximum and/or total values for each value field, for each value in the key field, e.g. for every unique timestamp
- Ignore input lines that do not contain a supplied regular expression
- Sort the output by the key field
- Output as comma-separated or whitespace-separated
- Include a supplied column heading line in the output, for generating legends in clichart.
You use the tool like this: [inputOptions] [outputOptions] [inputFile]
If no input file is specified, reads from stdin. Output is always to stdout.
-h Show help (this screen) and exit -k <keyspec> Specifies how to extract a key from each line (default is to use the whole line). keyspec can be: s:<substring> Extract key as a substring. See Substrings f:<index> Extract key as a field. Fields are separated by white space, 0-based r:<regex> Extract key as a regular expression -m <regex> Only include lines matching this regular expression -v <valuespec> Specifies a value for which to accumulate statistics from each line. Zero or more. valuespec must return a numeric value, and may be: s:<substring> Extract value as a substring. See Substrings f:<index> Extract value as a field. Fields are separated by white space, 0-based r:<regex> Extract value as a regular expression
-c Output as CSV (default is whitespace-separated) -f <line> Output this line first, as the headers for the columns -l <columns> A comma-separated ordered list of columns to include in the output (default is 'k,k:cnt'). The field index is the 0-based number of the field in the list of -v options, i.e. field number 0 is the field specified by the first -v option. Columns may be: k The key k:cnt The count for the key 0:av The average of field '0' 0:min The minimum of field '0' 0:max The maximum of field '0' 0:tot The total of field '0' -s Sort output by key column
--nojit Disable Psyco Just-In-Time compiler
Substrings are specified by one or two indexes into the line.
- Substring indexes must be separated by a colon (:)
- The substring is taken from the first index (inclusive) to the second index (exclusive)
- Each index is 0-based (i.e. numbers from 0)
- Negative indexes count from the end of the line, i.e. -1 refers to the last character in the line
- If no second index is given, the substring is taken from the first index to the end of the line.
Examples (with 's:' prefix):
s:0:5 Extract the first 5 characters from each line s:32: Extract from the 33rd character to the end of the line s:10:-8 Extract from the 9th character to the 9th-last
Regular expressions are mainly used to extract key or value fields from lines, although they are also used for the -m (match) option.
Regular expressions follow the Perl 5 syntax as implemented by Python (NOT grep/egrep!). The main difference is that the * and + operators are greedy by default - if you want the egrep behaviour, append ? to them, e.g. change ab.*yz to ab.*?yz. See the Python regular expression documentation for full information.
When the regex is used to extract a value, if it contains a bracketed group the value returned for the group is used - otherwise, the entire match is used. E.g. thread count: ([0-9]+) will return the number matched by the bracketed group, while thread count: [0-9]+ will return the entire string that matches.
Note that you must quote or escape special characters to prevent the shell from interpreting them, typically with single quotes.
Examples (with 'r:' prefix):
'r:^\d\d:\d\d' Extract the first 5 characters, which must be in the form 99:99 'r:A:(\d+)' Find the string 'A:' followed by 1 or more digits, and return the digits
- Linestats requires Python - see the installation page
See the quick start guide for examples of using this tool.