Cliserverlib Library Documentation


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This page documents the cliserverlib Python library, which provides a Python driver for clichart in CLI server and TCP/IP server modes.


Before you use cliserverlib in CLI server mode, you must ensure that cliserverlib can locate the clichart shell script/batch file (as appropriate). There are 3 ways of doing this:

  • The directory containing the file also contains the clichart shell script/batch file (as appropriate)
  • (Unix/Linux only) The directory containing the file contains a symbolic link to the clichart shell script, or
  • The directory containing the clichart shell script/batch file is in the PATH.

To use cliserverlib in TCP/IP server mode, the server must be listening to the appropriate port on localhost.

You'll also need to add the directory containing the file to your PYTHONPATH, so that it can be found by your Python script.

Class Documentation

To interact with the library, you use the ClichartDriver class, which has the following public methods:

class ClichartDriver(responseTimeout=10, port=-1)
Creates the driver, including starting clichart and connecting to its input, output and error streams. responseTimeout is the maximum time to wait for any command response before generating an error, in seconds. If port is greater than 0, attempts to connect to the CLIChart TCP/IP server on that port
generateChart(clearFirst = True, **kw)

Generate a chart, using all the options set using key:value pair arguments. The arguments are as shown in the table below.

By default this clears all previous options first, so you must supply all options required. However, by passing clearFirst = False, your options will be taken as overrides for the previously-supplied options.

Any errors will be thrown as ClichartErrors.

Shut down clichart
Tell the server to exit if it goes for more than this number of seconds without receiving any input. Used to make use of the server more robust for long-running processes

The module also defines the following values, which are used for the chartType argument for the generateChart() method.

Define for charts with an X axis based on date and/or time (the default)
Define for charts with an X axis based on numerical values
Define for charts with an X axis with no values (the chart is just a series of Y axis values)

Arguments for generateChart()

The arguments used for the generateChart() method mostly match the documented options for clichart - see the documentation on CLI server mode for documentation on the meaning of each one.

The arguments are:

Argument Value Equivalent clichart option Example
inputPath Path to input file inputPath inputPath = '/path/to/file.csv'
outputPath Path to output file outputpath outputPath = 'dir/chart.png'
columnList List or tuple of column indexes columnlist columnList = [0,1,4,5]
columnList2 As per columnList columnlist2 columnList2 = [3]
isCsv True csv isCsv = True
hasHeader True hasheader hasHeader = True
chartType CHART_TYPE_VALUE, CHART_TYPE_NONE xvalue, noxvalue chartType = cliserverlib.CHART_TYPE_VALUE
title Title title title = 'The title'
xTitle Title xtitle xTitle = 'Date'
yTitle Title ytitle yTitle = 'Temperature (deg C)'
yTitle2 Title ytitle2 yTitle2 = 'RPM'
ignoreMissingColumns True ignoremissing ignoreMissingColumns = True
ignoreDuplicateValues True ignoredup ignoreDuplicateValues = True
dateFormat Format string dateformat dateFormat = 'HH:MM:ss'
showDatapoints True datapoints showDatapoints = True
showDatapoints2 True datapoints2 showDatapoints2 = True
lineWeight int, 1 - 5 lineweight lineWeight = 4
lineWeight2 int, 1 - 5 lineweight2 lineWeight2= 1
maxY float maxy maxY = 30000
maxY2 float maxy2 maxY2 = 30000
minY float miny minY = 30000
minY2 float miny2 minY2 = 30000
forceYRange True forceyrange forceYRange = True
forceYRange2 True forceyrange2 forceYRange2 = True
height int, pixels height height = 600
width int, pixels width width = 800
isBar True bar isBar = True
isBar2 True bar2 isBar2 = True
seriesTitles List or tuple of series titles seriestitles seriesTitles = ['Fan speed', 'Temp']
seriesTitles2 As per seriesTitles seriestitles2 seriesTitles2 = ['Fan speed', 'Temp']
debugEcho True debug-echo debugEcho = True
colours List of (int, string) as (index, colour) colours colours = [(0: 'cyan'), (1, 'FF00FF')]

Usage and Example

A sample script fragment to generate 2 charts, then exit:

# import the library
import cliserverlib


    # create the driver
    driver = cliserverlib.ClichartDriver()

    # a simple chart
    driver.generateChart(title = 'A title', inputPath = 'samples/SystemTemps.csv',
        isCsv = True, hasHeader = True, outputPath = 'samples/SystemTemps1.png')

    # re-use most of the previous options, by setting clearFirst = False
    driver.generateChart(clearFirst = False, outputPath = 'samples/SystemTemps2.png',
        columnList = [0, 1, 2])

    # generate a value-based chart
    driver.generateChart(clearFirst = False, outputPath = 'samples/SystemTemps3.png',
        chartType = cliserverlib.CHART_TYPE_VALUE, columnList = [1, 2])

    # now shut the driver down

except cliserverlib.ClichartError, message:
    print 'Chart generation failed with message', message